Discover this eighteenth-century working corn mill. Celebrate the work of James Brindley, the renowned millwright and canal engineer, who pioneered the canal system in Great Britain. The mill dates from 1752 and is the only corn mill known to have been built by James Brindley. It has been restored from a derelict state by the Brindley Mill Preservation Trust. It is a working mill that produces flour from grain but is no longer a commercial enterprise.
Brindley's Mill has all the charm associated with a building of the period and illustrates James Brindley's skill as a designer and builder.
The mill building houses a small museum with interpretive panels and artefacts that will add to your interest. The displays illustrate the life and work of James Brindley and the history of milling while preserving the atmosphere of a working corn mill.
Experience the sight and sound of a moving waterwheel powering machinery and turning the millstones. Admire the genius of the millwright and the skills of the miller as you explore this fascinating building.
The informative and experienced stewards are recognised for their enthusiasm and friendliness. Take advantage of their personal guided tours offered at no extra cost.
Alternatively, you can simply wander through the mill at your leisure, watch it in action, and read about James Brindley and his canal-building.
What's on at Brindley's Mill?
Members: free
All adults: £5.00
Under 5 : free
Age 5 - 18: £1.00
Schools & Other Children's Groups
Children: £1.00 per pupil
Teachers and helpers: free
Private Parties: £5.00 per person
Admission Charges

The mill is open until the end of September as follows:
Easter Sunday - 31st March and Easter Monday 1st April
Sundays in May
Sundays and Wednesdays in June, July and August.
Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th September.
Opening times are 2pm to 5pm, last admission 4-30pm.
If you have time to spare and would be interested in becoming a steward, or using your skills to help maintain the mill, or helping with publicity, or fundraising, or even research, we would love to hear from you.
Stewards manage the mill during opening hours and offer guided tours to individual visitors and groups. Training is given to develop their knowledge and skills. Come along to the mill to see what's involved and what commitment is needed. You'd be very welcome!”

Join the Brindley's Mill Trust
By joining the Brindley Mill Preservation Trust you would be supporting its work promoting knowledge of James Brindley and the part he played in Britain's industrial development. You don't have to become actively involved in order to be a member.
Membership of the Trust is by annual subscription and enables you to participate in our governance and keep in touch with our activities.
Membership is available in 3 categories:
Student/retired member - £5.00
Individual adult - £8.00
Family - £12.00 per year.
Members get unlimited free admission to the mill and two newsletters each year.